It is my feeling that we are now being led by an administration that either does not understand the urgent needs of our country or either they are grossly incompetent. Between the Tax cheat Secretary of the Treasury and the glib President, where is the leadership! One can not help but be reminded of Nero fiddling while Rome burned. Even though, the country is suffering economic collapse, we have a President that takes time to fill out basketball brackets, and go on late night comedy shows. I would have no problem with the President doing these things if the country was sailing along just fine, but we are not. The President has not led on any issue, he has only given empty speeches, fed to him by a teleprompter. The administration is trying to portray private businesses as evildoers who are undercutting our economy by fighting the worker, however this same administration decided to stop purchasing American made products. ( Now, I am not sure why American taxpayers pay for the government to purchase 10 billion condoms a year, but should we really be outsourcing this to the Chinese. I mean over the last few years we have all seen the defective products from China, apparently these condoms are to help stop the spread of AIDS in Africa, so do we really want to take the chance on outsourced condoms. It is even more incredible, coming from an administration which is falling all over itself to create government make work jobs, that this same administration will cost hundreds of Americans their jobs, to save 3 cents a condom.
I believe now is the time for us all to become involved in the shaping of our country! We have an administration that is leading us in to an abyss of debt and mediocrity. And how much longer will we even be able to borrow. The Times of London has a very interesting article about how other governments are wary of lending us anymore money. (
It is understandable, why they would be wary, if you or I were in debt and we went to a bank and asked for a loan so that we could spend our way out of debt, we would be laughed out of the bank or either they would call the authorities to get us mental health help. And, even though the world community is considering not loaning, us anymore money, the administration comes out with a new Trillion dollar program to stimulate the economy. ( We have to all stand up and shout to anyone who will listen that the country is not going in the right direction. We have to write to the newspapers, our politicians, blogs and anyone else who will listen. We have to fight now why there is something left to fight for.
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